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Guide to Global Warming

Q: What is Global Warming?

A: Global Warming is the increase of the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Over the past 50 years, the global temperature has increased at the fastest rate recorded in history. According to Nasa, all but one of the hottest 16 years have occurred after 2000.

What causes Global Warming?

A: Global Warming is caused by the green house gases such as carbon dioxide and other air pollutants that are collected in the atmosphere. The collected gases allows the Earth to absorb the heat. Having an excess of of the gases causes more heat to be trapped rather deflecting it which results in the the planet to get hotter. Due to the industrial revolution and human activity, we have been creating more CO2 emissions which helps global warming. A big example of human activity resulting in billions of tons of CO2 every year is the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity.

What are some of the effects of Global Warming?

A: Some of the effects of global warming are the melting of ice caps which results in rising sea levels. The oceans are also getting warmer and more acidic which affects marine life like corals who can only live in certain temperatures. Marine Wildlife aren't the only animals to be hurt by global warming. In general there will be higher wildlife extinction rates due to changes in habitats. There is also more extreme weather such as hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, changing rain and snow patterns.

This also affects us and future generations as climate-linked disasters have displaced more than 2 million people. Around 821 million people are undernourished due to drought. 35+ million people are affected by floods. Due to rising sea levels flooding in coastal cities is probable and at least 17 of the world's largest cities are located along the coast.

Q: Where does my country stand in terms of global warming contributors and its laws regarding the issue?

A: Currently, China is in the lead for most carbon emmissions with the US in second place and India in third place. However there is hope as 179 countries out of 195 countries are part of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is an environmental accord adopted by mostly every nation to address climate change and its negative impacts and how to protect our environment.
Click here to find out more about your country and its laws about global warming*

*Not all countries are included in this website.

Q: What are somethings I can do to help?

A: Here are 5 ways you can help make a difference with global warming. Of course there are many more ways to help such as voting, getting involved in your communities, voting etc. Click this link Get Involved to find out about other ways you can get involved in the fight against global warming.