Donating money to organizations is a good way to get involved. As we all know money makes the world go round. The money you donate to an organization is used to fund their projects, raise awareness for issue, lobby the governement and more. Here are three good organizations you can donate to.
Who are they:
They are an inter-governemental organization that has been partnering directly with governments and communities to protect their rainforests. They also advocted for something called the Reducing Emissions fro Deforestatoin and Forest Degradation mechanism, otherwise known as REDD+. Since REDD+ was included in article 5 of the Paris Agreement, the Coalition works to enforce and implement it while also increasing funding from both the public and private sectors.
Why you should donate:
They played a big role in having a condition about forestry in the Paris Agreement. Also according to the Founder's Pledge cost-effectiveness model from 2018, donating 12 cents to the coalition will avert a metric ton of CO2. To put it into perspective that can avert around 428 metric tons of C02 if you donate $50.
Learn more hereWho are they:
They are a US based non-governemental organization that was founded in 1966 and has been working to reduce air pollution. They helped establish regulations on diesel, shipping, and methane emissions. However the turn off for some people is that they support nuclear advancement.
Why you should donate:
While they have a good track record of successs and amazing research quality, they also focus on emission contributors that are often neglected and on technologies that are helpful to decarbonization that are forgotten by NGOs and governments.
Learn more hereWho are they:
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation is a highly respectable and reputable US think tank which runs the Clean Energy Innovation program. The program researches smart clean energy and the effectiveness of investing in that sector. The information that they have gathered is then used to advise policymakers on the best course of action.
Why you should donate:
Currently some clean energy technology is expensive. Funding research to stimulate innovation in that area will not only help the technology become better but also cheaper and more accessible to people from differing economic backgrounds.
Learn more hereDonating to organizations is a good way to get involved. As we all know money makes the world go round. The money you donate to an organization is used to fund their projects, activities and expenses. It helps them raise awareness for the issue, lobby the government and more. Here are 3 good organizations you can donate too.